Sunday, May 8, 2016


Dear Parents,

I really appreciate all the kind gestures you and your children showed me last week during Teacher Appreciation Week.  I was very touched by your generosity and kindness.  Teaching is truly a rewarding career, and I am blessed to have the opportunity to work with your sweet children each day. Listed below is some info for the upcoming week.

READING - We will be reviewing reading strategies we have learned this year including inferring, determining main idea, using context clues to figure out the meanings of unknown words, etc.  I have some fun ways to engage the students as they practice these reading strategies.  On Monday, we will "play" BUMP as we review.  Our vocabulary words for this week will be lavender, trifle, prune, improve, combination, compromise, and focus.

WRITING - Last week in Writer's Workshop, we worked on paraphrasing an informational article rather than copying straight from the author's words.  This week, students will be given their own nonfiction article (a current event) and write a report on it by paraphrasing.

SOCIAL STUDIES - Students have now begun their last Social Studies unit with Mr. Otto.  The focus is on national, state, and local governments.

MATH - On Thursday, we wrapped up our unit on time with an assessment. Overall, the test scores were good, and students seem to understand elapsed time.  Some students need additional practice reading an analog (not digital) clock.  We began our measurement unit on Friday and had a friendly competition with Ms. Flowers' class as we explored the concept of capacity using a liter as our reference point.  This is another fairly short unit which we will complete by next week. 

Friday, May 13 - Spirit Day - Come dressed like a teacher.
Thursday, May 26 - Reading EOG - Third Grade
Friday, May 27 - Math EOG - Third Grade
Monday, May 30 - No School - Memorial Day Holiday
Friday, June 3 - Read to Achieve Testing

Thank you for all you do.

Ms. Underwood

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