Sunday, October 18, 2015


Dear Parents,

I hope you enjoyed the crisp, fall weather this past weekend.  As we begin a new week, I wanted to let you know what your child is learning in third grade.  I am enjoying teaching your child, and I continue to learn from them each day.

READING - The reading standard that we will continue to practice is determining the central message/lesson/moral in stories and explain how it is conveyed through key details.  This week, I will be sharing folktales (short stories passed down from generation to generation) and myths (a folktale that explains something about nature).  Some of the stories the students will enjoy include" Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People's Ears" and "How the Tiger Got His Stripes."  These are very engaging stories that give students the opportunity to read material from other cultures.  

WRITING - This week, we will publish our second personal narrative as we complete our writing unit for the first quarter.  I am impressed with the descriptive details, leads, and bit by bit storytelling that my students are incorporating into their narratives.  They are also excited when one of our higher level vocabulary words is applicable to their story, and they can use it in their writing.  I am teaching students how to use commas in their writing.  Last week, I shared a fun read aloud called Eats, Shoots and Leaves to show how the placement of that tiny punctuation mark called the comma can change the whole meaning of a sentence.

SOCIAL STUDIES - Students are finishing up a travel brochure in Mr. Otto's class this week.  It is due by Friday!!  Next Monday, we will begin our new science unit entitled, "Objects in the Sky."  We will be exploring our solar system and building background knowledge in preparation for our field trip to the Morehead Planetarium and Science Center on November 18.

MATH - I am proud of the conceptual understanding of multiplication my students are building as we have explored various strategies for multiplying:  repeated addition, equal groups drawings, arrays, and making visual drawings.  The focus has been on equal groups, sets, and rows (in the case of arrays).  We have also made the connection that multiplication and division are inverse operations.  Students are working on determining when to multiply or divide in a word problem.  Last week we had fun writing our own multiplication and division word problems using real life applications.  This Tuesday, we will have an assessment on multiplication and division in order for me to determine where additional support may be needed.

REMINDERS - Monday, October 19 - Field Trip Permission Slips Due
                         Friday, October 23 - Spirit Day - Hat Day
                         Monday, October 26 - Teacher Workday - No School For Students
                         Tuesday, November 10 - Payment For Field Trip Due
                         Wednesday, November 18 - Field Trip To Morehead Planetarium
Ms. Underwood

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