Dear Parents,
I hope everyone was able to rest and have some fun, family time over the rainy weekend. Maybe we will see the sunshine this week!
Please check out our classroom blog. I posted some great pics of your children!
Listed below are some updates about the upcoming week.
READING - Last week in reading, students walked in the shoes of their characters by focusing on the emotions (feelings) the character was experiencing, as well as the motivation (the why) for those feelings. This week, we will be taking a look at the traits of our characters. Distinguishing between character emotions and traits can be confusing for third graders. Feelings are fleeting feelings a character may be having due to an outside force (frustrated, anxious, nervous) whereas traits describe who a character is on the inside - their personality (determined, dependable, curious). I will also share some fun read alouds this week to help students distinguish their own point of view from that of the character in the story.
WRITING - Students should be wrapping up their first personal narrative. This week, we will continue our study of narrative writing using mentor texts. Students will identify techniques that writers use to hook readers in their books (writing interesting beginnings), as well as identify turning points in stories. They will then practice writing a personal narrative, including a turning point in their own story.
SOCIAL STUDIES - Last week my third graders started learning about the geography and regions of NC with Mr. Otto. For the next few weeks, they will be taught Social Studies by Mr. Otto while I teach Mr. Otto's students Science.
MATH - On Tuesday we will have an assessment on 2-D shapes and their attributes. We will play a fun review game on Monday to help students prepare for the assessment. Our next unit in math will be focused on a conceptual understanding of multiplication rather than rote memorization of facts. This week we will explore the relationship between repeated addition and multiplication. I am including the parent resource letter in today's Monday folder to give you resources for how this unit is being taught in case your child needs support at home.
CogAt TESTING - Third graders will take the CogAt assessment on October, 6th, 7th, and 9th at 9:30 a.m. This test will determine those students who may qualify for academically gifted services. Please make sure your child has a hearty breakfast and gets a good night of rest before the testing days.
PICTURE DAY - Our class will have their pictures made on Wednesday, October 7 at 1:50 p.m. Pictures must be prepaid, so if you are interested in ordering, please send your payment in as soon as possible.
BOG INFORMATION - I am sending home detailed information regarding your child's BOG reading score in today's Monday folder. Please know that I will be working with your child this year in guided reading and strategy groups to help them grow as readers. Also, I am including a wonderful resource entitled "Read to Achieve Passage Parent Recommendations" that will help you as you converse with your child about his/her reading. This resource aligns the standard we are studying with questions you can ask to reinforce that standard.
Wow! Lots of information and wonderful things happening at Douglas!! Thank you so much for all you do to help your child at home. It is a pleasure to work with you and your child!.
Ms. Underwood
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