Sunday, November 15, 2015


Dear Parents,

In reading this week, we will compare/contrast the plot and settings of two different books by creating a Venn diagram.  As you converse with your child about his/her reading, please ask questions about character traits (words that describe the personality - ambitious, motivated, determined) vs. character feelings (lonely, ecstatic, furious).  Some students are continuing to learn how to distinguish a trait from a feeling.

During Writing Workshop, students will be completing the final copies of their book reviews.  Students will then take a stance on an issue such as wearing uniforms to school and further practice their writing skills as they support the opinion with reasons/details.  We have been using a graphic organizer in class called OREO.  O = State your opinion.  R= Provide the reasons for your opinion.  E= Give examples and details to support your reasons.  O = Restate your opinion.

This week in math we will complete our unit on equations and inequalities. Students are learning to balance equations by making sure both sides of the equation have the same value.  They are solving for unknowns (represented by a variable - letter or symbol that represents the unknown), as well as creating and solving real world multiplication and division word problems.  We will be testing Tuesday and Wednesday on this unit.

Last week in science, students participated in some fun, hands-on experiences to learn more about light and shadows.  We will continue our study of shadows on Monday, followed by constellations during the remainder of the week.


THURSDAY, NOV. 19 - LITERACY NIGHT - 5:30 - 6:30 p.m. - Come dressed in your cozy pajamas and enjoy some hot chocolate and good books!

FRIDAY, NOV. 20 - SPIRIT DAY - FANCY FRIDAY - Wear your fancy clothes!

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.  Also, if you have not signed up for a parent conference, please email me at, and I will schedule a time to meet with you.  

Thanks for all you do!

Ms. Underwood

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