Sunday, November 22, 2015


Dear Parents,

I know everyone is looking forward to the upcoming Thanksgiving holidays so that we may rest and spend some fun times with our families.  I wanted to send a brief letter to keep you informed about the upcoming week.

READING - Students have been learning how to compare/contrast the settings and plots of the books they are reading.  I will continue modelling this standard for them using a Venn diagram.  We will also be digging deeper into our books to compare/contrast the themes as well.

WRITING - Students are expected to complete the final drafts of their book review this week.  After the holidays, I plan to give students feedback on their opinion writing and give them the opportunity to write another persuasive piece on an issue of their choice.

SCIENCE - On Friday, students created their own constellations with black paper and sequins.  This week they will write a myth that explains the origin of their constellations. After Thanksgiving, we will culminate our Objects in the Sky unit, and students will return to Mr. Otto's class for Social Studies.  We had a wonderful time on our field trip to the Planetarium this past Wednesday.  I was very proud of the way our students represented Douglas Elementary.

MATH - We will continue to practice multiplication and division strategies.  Please work with your child at home to help him/her become fluent with their multiplication and division facts.

                                               IMPORTANT DATES
                              NOVEMBER 24 - THANKSGIVING CELEBRATION (in our classroom)
       Thank you to Mrs. Purcell, our room mom, for organizing this activity for our students!! 
                              NOVEMBER 25 - TEACHER WORKDAY 
                              NOVEMBER 26 - 27 - THANKSGIVING HOLIDAYS

Enjoy the holiday break, and be safe in your travels.  

Ms. Underwood

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