Dear Parents,
I hope you are enjoying this beautiful time of year with your family. It is a busy time so I wanted to keep you informed of what is going on in our classroom.
READING - We are continuing to use text features (photos, captions, maps, diagrams, etc.) to comprehend our nonfiction reading. This week we will also look at digital text to learn how to use text features such as hyperlinks. Please encourage your child to read nonfiction at home as well.
WRITING - This week as we begin informational writing, students will begin writing on a topic that interests them. We will be brainstorming topics in class that students feel they may be an expert on such as soccer, dancing, etc. We are really trying to focus on writing complete sentences with capitalization and ending punctuation, as well as using our knowledge of spelling patterns from word work to spell correctly.
SOCIAL STUDIES - Students are studying economics and learning new vocabulary words in Mr. Otto's social studies class.
MATH - We are focusing on applying mathematical properties (commutative, associative, and distributive) to solve multiplication and division word problems. This week we will use our problem solving strategies to solve multi-step problems that involve all the operations. In class, students have had some meaningful discussions as they analyze the various strategies students use to solve problems. On Friday, we will have an assessment.
Please return signed interim reports as soon as possible. If you would like a copy, just jot me a note, and I will be glad to make you one.
Have a wonderful week. Thank you for all you do to help your child be successful in school.
Ms. Underwood
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