Happy New Year Parents,
I hope you enjoyed the holiday season with your families and had time to relax. I am excited about a fresh start to a new year and teaching your children. I must say that I thought about them quite a bit during the break and am looking forward to seeing them tomorrow. Listed below is an overview for the coming week.
READING - We will continue our study of informational text as we focus on the main idea and supporting details not only in written text, but in pictures as well. We will also incorporate poetry into Reader's Workshop this week to practice determining main idea in a different genre of text. In Work Work, students will be learning the spellings of the following words: knew, new, know, no, probably, and usually. They are enjoying participating in the interactive chants we have learned to help us remember our words.
WRITING - Students are also practicing determining main idea and supporting details in Writer's Workshop as they write on a topic in which they are an expert. We will finish writing these informational papers this week and begin writing a research-based paper on an animal of their choice towards the end of the week. Students seem to enjoy this writing that is based on factual information.
MATH - We will review strategies for multiplying and dividing, as well as estimating during the first part of the week in preparation for a test in the middle of the week (Wednesday or Thursday). Our next unit of study in math is graphing which will include reading and creating bar graphs and pictographs. I think students will enjoy the hands-on activities planned in this unit to help them create their graphs.
SOCIAL STUDIES - Students will be wrapping up the unit on Economics and Financial Literacy with Mr. Otto.
IMPORTANT DATES - January 6 - January 26 - mClass reading assessment window
January 11 - 15 - Third Grade Writer in Residence
January 20 - Reading Case 21 Testing for Third Grade
January 21 - Math Case 21 Testing for Third Grade
January 15 - Quarter 2 ends
I look forward to working with you as we begin the new year. I am very grateful for your support. Please do not hesitate to contact me regarding any questions you may have.
Ms. Underwood
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