Sunday, March 20, 2016


Dear Parents,

I really enjoyed the Reading Conference that I attended last Sunday - Tuesday at the Raleigh Convention Center.  Although I missed my class, I was grateful for the opportunity to be surrounded by fellow educators, as well as authors, to continue my education in reading.  I have already been implementing some of the strategies/interventions I learned with my own students.

As we prepare for the shorter week ahead, I wanted to highlight some of our class activities in each subject area.

READING - Students will be describing the relationship between the sequential steps in a process, using language that pertains to sequencing (first, next, finally, etc.).  I will be asking students to sequence the steps involved in making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich while I actually make the sandwich according to their directions.  This is always a fun lesson, especially if students do not carefully place the steps in order and use specific language when giving directions. We will also be looking at spelling patterns in the following words during our Word Work this week:  question, threw, through, vacation, wear, we're, with.  Students are being encouraged to use the Word Wall where these words are posted in order to improve their spelling skills.

WRITING - This past week we began another unit of informational writing with the focus on biographies.  Students began researching the family life of their biographical character.  Our writing will be done in a booklet format focusing on the following areas of the person's life:  family, early life, school years, later life, and accomplishments.

SOCIAL STUDIES - Students will be finishing up Social Studies with Mr. Otto by the middle of this week.  Upon our return from Spring Break, students will start the final unit in Science, which will be focusing upon plant growth and soils.

MATH - I am very proud of how students are working hard to conceptually understand fractions. They are doing a great job using precise vocabulary when explaining their thinking.  This week we will continue to explore equivalent fractions by drawing various visual models such as fraction bars, number lines, and circle models.  I have some fun games to teach my students to help them understand fractions.

On Monday, our class will be joining Ms. Flowers' class to hear Mr. Burns read aloud while we enjoy a sweet treat.  Our two classes were the winners of the Achieve 3000 challenge among the third grade teachers.  Ms. Flowers and I would like to reward our students for their hard work in using reading strategies.  Also on Monday, we will also watch the Douglas Variety Show dress rehearsal during an afternoon assembly.

Wednesday, March 23 - Variety Show - 6:00 p.m.
Friday, March 25 - Sunday, April 3 - SPRING BREAK!
Tuesday, April 5 - Math Night - 5:30 - 7:00 p.m.

Thank you for all of your support.  I hope that you enjoy Spring Break and have some fun times with family.

Ms. Underwood

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