Sunday, April 3, 2016


Dear Parents,

I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of my Spring Break and hope that you also had a wonderful time with your families.  I am looking forward to seeing your children and beginning a new quarter.  It is hard to believe that this is our last quarter of the school year! 
Students will be receiving their new reading logs for the month of April tomorrow.  During the final quarter, the expectation is that students will read 30 minutes nightly.  Thank you for continuing to sign both the reading and multiplication logs.  **Also, I am not sending the weekly work habits/conduct reports in the Monday folders tomorrow since we have been on break.  I will include these reports in the Monday folders going home on April 11.


READING - Our focus in reading this week will be on the text structures of sequencing and compare/contrast.  I have a fun activity planned for tomorrow involving Ritz crackers and Oreos to give students a hands-on lesson with comparing/contrasting.  On Tuesday, we will compare and contrast two different pieces of art.  Later in the week, we will sequence the events taking place in various art pieces.

WRITING - Students will continue researching and writing informational papers on their biographical characters.

MATH - We will continue our study of fractions as we learn how to compare them.  Students will understand the relationship between fractions with the same numerators, but different denominators, as well as fractions with the same denominators, but different numerators.  I will also be teaching games involving fractions that students will play during center time in math.

SCIENCE - I am looking forward to our Plant Growth and Development unit as we will be participating in several hands-on activities, including lessons in our Douglas Elementary garden, to learn about plants and soils.  One of our first activities involves dissecting a lima bean to identify the parts of the seed.

April 8 - PBIS Assembly - 10:15 - 10:45 am. - Gym
April 8 - Dress like an animal Spirit Day
April 8 - Report cards go home.

Ms. Underwood

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