Dear Parents,
I am excited about our in-house field trip tomorrow. The scientists from Science is Fun will be visiting our third graders to present a program on matter which should reinforce many of the concepts we learned when studying solids, liquids, and gases. I think the program will be very engaging for our students.
READING - This week in reading, we will be focusing on main ideas and supporting details. Tomorrow, we will determine the main idea and supporting details in various pieces of art. When reading with your child at home, please ask them to tell you the main idea of their reading in a sentence and support their answer with three details. This is a difficult concept for many students and practice at home will help reinforce this reading skill.
WRITING - Students will continue to research and write biographical reports on the family life, early life, school years, later life, and accomplishments of the person they are researching. We are writing this paper in a booklet format with a few illustrations included.
MATH - In math, we will continue to practice comparing fractions by drawing various types of visual models to prove our thinking. Students have also been playing some fraction games to enhance their understanding of fractions. A unit test will be given on Thursday.
SCIENCE - Students are excited about the bush bean they are growing in a plastic bag in class. We are hoping to see a sprout soon so that we can then transplant them in our garden at Douglas.
Friday, April 15 - National Tax Day - "Show Me the Money" Spirit Day
Ms. Underwood
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