Dear Parents,
We had a wonderful time last week integrating lots of art activities into our learning. We made seed mosaics (science), partitioned CD's into equal parts and decorated them to go on our fraction fence on the playground, and made origami roses to understand fractional parts. I am looking forward to another fun-filled week with your children. Listed below is an overview of the upcoming week.
READING - This week we will continue reviewing and practicing reading strategies to help us comprehend our reading. Our focus will be on inferring (using background knowledge plus text clues) to figure out what is not directly stated in the text. We will also practice strategies that can be used to figure out the meanings of unknown words we encounter in our reading. Please encourage your child to use Achieve 3000 at home to give him/her further practice using strategies to answer comprehension questions.
WRITING - Students are completing their biography booklets this week. They have enjoyed learning about the lives of these notable people. Students will be sharing some of the interesting facts they have learned with their classmates.
SCIENCE - It has been so exciting to watch the roots, stems, and seed leaves emerge from our bush beans that have been growing in our plastic baggies. We will be planting these seedlings in a cup this week and continue our study of plant development by focusing on pollination.
MATH - This week we will explore fractional relationships using pattern blocks. For example, if a yellow hexagon represents one whole, what fractions do the trapezoid, rhombus, and triangle represent? Students will be creating a creature using the pattern block shapes and explaining the relationships between the shapes chosen. Please continue to help your child memorize their multiplication facts.
Thursday, April 21 - Field Day 1:00 - 2:30 p.m.
Friday, April 22 - Spirit Day - Earth Day - Show your appreciation for the earth.
Monday, April 25 - Snow Make-up Day
Ms. Underwood
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