Dear Parents,
I hope you enjoyed the beautiful weekend with your families. Listed below is information about the coming week.
READING - We will shift our focus back to determining the main idea/central message of a reading passage including poetry. Distinguishing the main idea from supporting details is a difficult concept, so we will continue practicing this strategy in the week ahead. We will also take a look at the spelling patterns in our set of "Word Work" words this week. We have been playing a game called "Sparkle" to reinforce correct spelling of these words. The class loves this game!
WRITING - Students should be wrapping up their biography reports. This week, I will be teaching minilessons about the revision part of the writing process. We will be looking at items such as sentence structure and improving word choice to make our writing clear and interesting to the reader.
SCIENCE - In our study of plant development, we have now begun to focus on the composition of soil. We will be comparing/contrasting some of the components of soil such as clay, sand, and humus. I have a fun edible project planned in order to help students understand the various layers of soil. We will also learn about composting. Students have been very excited to check the bush beans and lima beans they have been growing in plastic baggies. Last week we transplanted the sprouts to a cup, and many of them are growing quite nicely. Hopefully, we will plant them in the garden soon.
MATH - We will spend two more days reviewing fraction strategies followed by an assessment on Wednesday. Our next unit will be approximately six days with the focus being on telling time to the minute and solving elapsed time problems.
Friday, April 29 - Spirit Day - Who can wear the most zippers to school? - National Zipper Day
Tuesday, May 3 - Math Night - 5:30 - 7:00 p.m.
Ms. Underwood
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