Monday, February 15, 2016


Dear Parents,

I hope you enjoyed the extra day at home we received due to our winter weather.  As we begin our week, listed below is some helpful information:

READING - We will continue reading mysteries, poems, and dramas to determine how chapters, stanzas, and scenes build upon one another. Students will also be asking and answering questions about their reading to monitor comprehension.

WRITING - Students will begin recognizing the characteristics of realistic fiction as I share a read aloud with them tomorrow.  They will begin to connect moments from their own lives as ideas for their own realistic fiction stories.  Some students still need to complete their informational papers from the previous unit and may need to work on this at home.

SCIENCE - This past week, students observed physical changes in matter by soaking gummy bears in water and making rootbeer floats.  They also performed some hands-on labs to determine the factors that affect the speed at which a solid will dissolve.  This week, we will challenge our thinking through more cool experiments.  This unit will be winding down by the beginning of next week.

MATH Students will continue their conceptual understanding of area and perimeter as they work with more rectilinear figures and arrays.  Area and perimeter is an important part of the third grade math curriculum, so it would be helpful if you could reinforce these concepts at home by applying them to real life (discussing the area of the rug or the amount of border that would be needed to go around the bedroom which is perimeter).


Friday, February 22 - 26 - Third Grade Writer in Residence

Tuesday, February 23 - Interims go home

Friday, February 26 - Third Grade Informance - 10:00 a.m.


Ms. Underwood

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