Sunday, February 7, 2016


Dear Parents,

Listed below is the plan for the upcoming week!

READING - Students will be referring to parts of stories, dramas, and poems using terms such as chapter, scene, and stanza.  They will be describing how each successive part builds on earlier sections as they participate in fun activities such as writing their own stanza to a poem entitled "Selfie."  I think students will enjoy the poems, dramas, and read alouds we will be using this week in our minilessons.  We will transition back to Word Work for the upcoming week.  Our words this week are buy, didn't, general, one, sometimes, and something. Students will chant the words in various ways, as well as practice using these words in Word Work lessons.

WRITING - In Writer's Workshop, we will revise and edit our informational papers we have been writing based on animal research.  Final drafts will be written hopefully by the middle of the week, and then we will move on to realistic fiction writing.

SCIENCE - This past week in science we had a melting race with ice, melted crayons, melted a pumpkin (Ask your child about this one.), created a cloud in a jar, cleaned pennies with vinegar and salt, blew up a balloon with vinegar and baking soda, and baked a cake in a cup as we explored changes in matter, as well as physical vs. chemical reactions.  More fun experiments are planned this week.

MATH - In math, we will continue our study of area and perimeter.  Students will be designing their own clubhouse using centimeter graph paper.  They will also calculate the area and perimeter of the rooms in their clubhouse.  Please reinforce area as the amount of surface covered or enclosed by a figure measured in square units and perimeter is the distance around the outside of the shape.


February 10 - Boosterthon Fun Run

February 12 - Early Release Day

February 12 - School Dance

February 15 - Snow Make-up Day

February 26 - Science/Dance/Music Informance - 10:00 a.m.  **** I made a mistake on last week's newsletter and put the date of this event as February 12.  I apologize for any inconvenience.  

Ms. Underwood

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