Sunday, February 21, 2016


Dear Parents,

Listed below is an overview of the upcoming week to keep you informed about the learning that is taking place in our classroom.  Please let me know if you have any questions.

READING - In literacy this week, we will begin reading biographies, paying close attention to the sequence of events in the person's life, as well as why those events happened and the effect they had on the person.  I will be modeling my lessons using a text about George Washington and Abraham Lincoln.  Students will be making written responses in their reading notebooks following my lessons in order to strengthen their written expression.

WRITING - We have a special treat this week as our Writer in Residence will be working with all third grade students.  She will be teaching my class from 12:20 - 1:10 each day.  I am excited to see the writing pieces our students will be creating this week.  We will also work on our realistic fiction stories as time allows this week.  Students are working on a seven sentence story to create the foundation of their realistic stories.  They have come up with some interesting ideas.

SCIENCE - We had a blast last week in science making oobleck, picking up ice with a string, and observing the amazing water trick (to understand the flow of heat energy).  Students will take an assessment on the Changes in Matter unit on Monday.  On Tuesday they begin a unit on colonization in Social Studies with Mr. Otto.

MATH - We will spend one more week on learning the concepts of area and perimeter of 2-D shapes. Our unit assessment will be on Friday, and then we move on to our fraction unit.  Please continue to help your child practice his/her multiplication facts.


February 22 - 26 - Third Grade Writer in Residence
February 23 - Interims go home
February 26 - 10:00 a.m. - Third Grade Informance
February 26 - Dress like an Idiom Spirit Day
March 3 - Science Night and Science Fair
March 11 - Field Trip to Wake Forest High School Matinee Program

Ms. Underwood

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