Monday, September 7, 2015

WEEK of AUGUST 31, 2015 NEWS

August 31, 2015                                                                                               


Dear Parents:

The start of the new school year has been a successful one.  I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know your child through hands-on activities (using play-dough, gummy worms, and drama) to establish a sense of community.  I am very excited about the learning experiences your child will participate in and look forward to a productive school year.


Last week we learned the procedures and expectations of our “Daily 5” program for literacy.  Students are doing a wonderful job practicing read to self while at the same time building their stamina for reading.  They have been asking questions before, during, and after reading to engage them in their reading and help them comprehend.  We will focus on more strategies this week such as back up and reread, as well as check for understanding to aid our comprehension of text.  Our focus in math has been on reviewing various methods to fluently add and subtract within 1000.  These methods include place value drawings, show all totals, and expanded form.  We have also been working on “math talk” in the classroom because it is important that students be able to explain the process of their problem solving rather than just give an answer.  This week we will focus on the number line strategy as another method to add and subtract.  We began our first unit of study in Science today which is the human body.  There are many fun, hands-on activities planned in this unit (making pasta skeletons, assembling Mr. Bones, etc.) to help students understand the skeletal and muscular systems within the human body.


Students should be writing their homework assignments in their agendas.  Agendas may be purchased for $3.00.  Your child should be bringing home his/her math and homework binder nightly.  This binder contains his/her agenda, the green Douglas folder containing homework, and the math focus lessons.  Homework is consistent throughout third grade and consists of one math page and a reading log which needs to be signed nightly (Monday – Thursday), acknowledging that your child read 20 minutes and checked for comprehension that evening. 


 I am always happy to talk to you about any questions or concerns you may have about your child.  Please do not hesitate to send a letter, write a note in the agenda, call the school (919-881-4894), or email me at  I think it is very important to keep the lines of communication open between home and school in order to create a positive learning environment for your child.  Folders will be sent home every Monday to inform you of your child’s progress, important events, and upcoming dates.   Please take the time to review the information/class work/homework with your child.  Please feel free to keep the papers in the folder other than those that specify to be returned.  I am also in the process of updating our class website.  This classroom blog will serve as another means of communication between home and school.  I have some really cool pictures of your children during our first week of school activities that I would like to post.   Once I receive all the photo permission forms, I will be updating my blog for this school year.


Students are allowed to bring a healthy snack such as fruit, veggies, or granola bars since our class eats lunch at 1:15 p.m.  Students are eating their snack around 11:00 a.m. while instruction continues and before leaving for Specials. 


  Ms. Underwood’s third grade schedule is as follows:

8:45 – 9:15      Arrival and Morning Responsibilities

9:15 – 9:30      Morning Meeting

9:30 – 11:20    Literacy                                                                                                     SPECIALS

11:20 – 12:15 Specials                                                                                                 A Day – P.E.

12:20 – 1:05    Science/Social Studies                                                                    B Day - Science

1:05 – 1:15      Read Aloud                                                                                       C Day - Art

1:15 – 1:45      Lunch                                                                                                     D Day - Dance

1:50 - 3:05      Math                                                                                                       E Day - Drama

3:10 – 3:40      Recess                                                                                                   F Day – Music

3:45 -                Dismissal


9/4 – Early Release – Students released at 1:15 p.m. / Spirit Day – Dress from the 80’s

9/7 – Labor Day Holiday – No School

9/9 – Beginning of Grade Assessment

9/10 – Read to Achieve Meeting – 3rd Grade Parents – 5:30 – 6:00 p.m.  Open House – 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.

Thank you for the classroom donations of tissues, wipes, copy paper, expo markers, etc.  These supplies are definitely needed, and I appreciate your generosity.  I am very grateful for the opportunity to teach your child.  I look forward to helping your child grow academically and develop the skills needed to function effectively in our global society.


Donna H. Underwood

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