September 8, 2015
Dear Parents:
I am continuing to enjoy getting to know your child as we
create a positive learning environment within our classroom. It is a very rewarding experience for me to
have the opportunity to help your child grow academically, socially, and
Listed below are a few pieces of information I wanted to call
to your attention:
Curriculum – In
reading this week we will continue to ask before, during, and after reading
questions to comprehend text with the focus being on nonfiction books. Students will also learn ways to use context
clues in order to determine the meanings of unknown words. During Writer’s Workshop, students will be
writing a true, small moment story. In
math we will continue practicing strategies to add and subtract numbers within
1000. The focus this week will be on
carefully analyzing word problems in order to figure out whether to add or
subtract. Students will be engaged in
some fun hands-on activities in science to explore the various types of joints
within our skeletal system.
House – Douglas Elementary will be holding Open House on Thursday,
September 10. Third grade parents are
invited to learn more about the Read to Achieve Program from 5:30 – 6:00
p.m. Following this session, please feel
free to come to our classroom, Room 3124, to hear more information regarding
third grade curriculum, field trips, etc.
For your convenience, two sessions will be held from 6:00 – 6:45 and
6:45 – 7:30 p.m. You may attend either
Magazine Subscription – I am also including a special school offer
to subscribe to Highlights magazine.
Highlights is a fun magazine that offers activities to make children
think, crafts that spark creativity, fiction and nonfiction reading, as well as
games and puzzles to build learning skills.
By checking yes or no on the yellow form, you can help our classroom
earn a free gift.
Upcoming Dates
Wednesday, Sept. 9 – Beginning of Grade Test – Reading only –
Please make sure your child gets a good night’s rest and eats a hearty
breakfast in preparation for the test. The
test will begin at 9:30 a.m. I am
encouraging my students to give their best and to not get stressed about this
Friday, Sept. 11 – Wear red, white, and blue in remembrance of
Enjoy the upcoming week, and I hope to see you at Open House.
Donna H. Underwood
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