Sunday, September 13, 2015


September 14, 2015

Dear Parents:

In reading this week, students will continue to ask questions before, during, and after reading in order to comprehend text and stay engaged in their reading.  We will specifically be focusing on nonfiction books as we question.  Students will also learn strategies to determine the meanings of unknown words they encounter in their reading.  In Writer's Workshop, we will be choosing small "seed" stories to write about rather than "watermelon" topics.  I am enjoying getting to know your children through their writing.  We have begun our rounding unit in math as students learn to round to the nearest 10 and nearest 100.  They are learning to distinguish that rounding is a form of estimation.  Incorporate estimation in everyday life by asking your child questions such as, "The video is 37 minutes long.  About how long is it rounded to the nearest 10 minutes?"  In science, students will focus on the joints, as well as the muscular and nervous systems, while engaged in hands-on learning.

Behavior Folders - During the first two weeks of school students have been learning and practicing the routines and procedures within our classroom.  Now that students are settling in, I would like to keep you informed of your child's work habits and conduct.  In today's Monday Folder, you will find your child's behavior folder.  This folder will serve as a weekly progress report to relay to you your child's work habits and conduct for the previous week.  Please review the behavior folder with your child, sign it, and then return it the following day.

Spirit Friday - This Friday, September 18, is wear your favorite college gear.

I look forward to another exciting week of learning with your child!


Donna H. Underwood


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