I hope you had a restful weekend. Listed below is an overview of our upcoming week.
WRITING - Students are continuing to revise their personal narratives to "show rather than tell" and to include "juicy" details that will help the reader visualize what is happening in the story. Students have learned to write a lead that will "hook" the reader by beginning with action, dialogue, or setting. I have enjoyed conferencing with your children and learning more about them through their stories.
READING - This week in reading we will begin our Character Study unit. Students will be placing themselves in the shoes of the character by taking a closer look at the emotions, motivations, and traits of the character. As we study our characters, we will also be practicing fluency and expression while we read the text as the author would say it, conveying the meaning or feeling. I am excited about the texts I will be sharing with students this week as we take a more in depth look at our characters. We have also begun our vocabulary lessons. Students enjoyed the fable about the sly fox and the little red hen while learning the words sly, mend, peer, shriek, prepared, and dependable.
SCIENCE/SOCIAL STUDIES - On Monday, we will conclude our assessment on the Human Body and finish creating our pasta skeletons. Tuesday, my class will rotate to Mr. Otto for Social Studies while I teach his class Science. Students will be learning about the three regions of North Carolina (Piedmont, Coastal, and Mountains) in Mr. Otto's class.
MATH - In math this week, students will continue to compare/contrast the attributes of various 2-D shapes. There are many hands-on learning activities students will be involved in to help them understand the characteristics of these shapes. We are even going to incorporate dance into our math as students create movements to represent the vocabulary associated with these 2-D shapes. I learned about this kinesthetic type of learning in our professional development workshop on Wednesday, and I am anxious to try it out in my class. Mrs. Eleczko will be helping me!
SEPTEMBER 28 - Third Grade Parent Meeting for CogAt Testing - 5:30 p.m. - Media Center
OCTOBER 1 - ARTS NIGHT - 5:00 - 7:30 p.m.
OCTOBER 6th, 7th, 9th - Third Grade CogAt Testing
Ms. Underwood
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